Kinetic and Reactor Design
Since all group members agreed that there should be easy, intermediate and hard questions for all subjects. I can see there is balance in question about KRD subject posed in our board games. Even though, there are a lot of theory questions compared to calculations questions, but those theory questions do give a lot of information which cannot be found in our lecture notes.
Process Safety and Loss Prevention
Same with PSLP’s questions, there is balance between easy, intermediate and hard questions. Since this subject relates to a lot of issue and topic around the world. It is nice to have questions about them, which are not frequently discussed during the class.
Chemical Process Dynamic, Instrumentation and Control
Since I also involved in writing question for CPDIC, I do ensure that there is balance in all questions. Thus, players will able to answer easily for easy questions and require a lot time to answer the hard questions. Overall for all question for each subject, players might find it to difficult, however with the gameplay that have been created by our group, players especially students still can have a lot of fun in answering all the questions.