Reviews On Each Subject
Kinetics & Reaction Design
(CCB 3043)
This is the one of the subjects which we will be using in our future engineering life. At the begging of this semester, I thought this will be one of the toughest subjects we face on this year, however now I realize that KRD is quit ok compared to our other subjects, such as CPDIC. Dr Suzana’s examples from KRD class make everything easier to understand. Also her method of teaching is very good, you have to listen and do what she asks to do, because at the end she might ask to pass up the example which we did in the class, it makes me to keep focus on the subject during the lecture.
Process Safety, and Loss Prevention
(CCB 3053)
On PSLP we got to give our attention to theories and also equations, and both of them needed to keep our life safe, the equations is not really hard but it needs your time to learn and during the lectures we need to pay attention. After almost each lecture, lecturer asks ass to do the assignment and pass it up, the assignment is connected to the lecture which we just covered. So, this task always makes me to stay focused during the lectures, otherwise it is hard to do the assignment.
Chemical Process Dynamics and Instrumentation Control
(CCB 3013)
In chemical engineering almost each subject we take needs basic knowledge of what you have been taught before it, however CPDIC is the subject where you need more than basic knowledge. In most of the examples we need to know Ordinary Differential Equations, we need to Know Mass Transfer, and we use them fully on this subject. In my opinion, this is the hardest subject for this semester. Lecturer gives a lot of exercises, assignments for each subject, gives sources where we can find very good explanations on exact equations, but anyways sometimes I feel like I am lost in this subject. Going to redo all assignments and tutorials, and hopefully the story of mine in this subject will be better.