Part XI.I : Reflections on each subject
Syafiqah Husna binti Abu Hanipah
Kinetics and Reactor Design -2nd half
Dr Tazli, second lecturer for the second half of this course. His approaches is very new and different. Shocked at first, but after that I realized that his approaches is amazing. It may be a small step for human, but it is a giant leap for mankind. The subjects that were taught by Dr Tazli is getting deeper into the Kinetic Reactor Design subject compared to the first half of this course. From these continuation chapters, we can see clearer image of what we are actually learning. How to determine the size for the reactor, which reactor(s) suitable for certain conversion, what needs to be controlled to maximize the desired product and etc. Indeed, this is the part where we are implementing the basic part of KRD that has been taught in the first half of this course by Dr Suzana.
Process Safety & Loss Prevention -2nd half
Same approaches used by Dr Dzul for the second half of this course. He simplifies essential notes on the handouts that he gave every time during his class. During his class, almost of us took part in doing the assignment given by him as it is a group work of 3-4 people. We learn to work in a group and discuss with each other about what we have learned on that day. Also, the assignments given are useful to us as a revision for tests and final exam. The content of this subject taught me how to deal with the hazards and accidents that are possible to happen in the future.
Dr Haslinda, our second lecturer was much better than Dr Abbas’s approach. Dr Haslinda is very strict in every class of hers, she doesn’t talk much, maybe it is the reason to make us keep quiet and pay attention to what’s on the screen. However, I think she is unique in her own way. What she has taught is a deeper version of transfer functions and the determination of stability criterions. It was impossible at first to grab the idea of transfer functions during Dr Abbas’s period. But, it seems like more simpler and I can understand more when Dr Haslinda taught us.I don’t even know why and how she did it.. She could be my icon to continue further in control system and instrumentations. Hmhm. So far, I am grateful to have her as my second lecturer for this subject as I can grab 80% of what she has taught in class.
Chemical Process Dynamics & Instrumention Control -2nd half
Farah Aina binti Shahnun Affandy
Kinetics and Reactor Design -2nd half
Honestly, during the 2nd half of the subject, it felt easier to understand his teachings in the class or video. I really like the idea of the video as we can constantly repeating it until we fully understand the topic. Dr Tazli pretty much valued our opinions when he introduced new things to us. Sometimes the class can be pretty hectic and noisy, it is harder to fully concentrate in class. The video is definitely a better approach! It is retty much convinient thing to have though I must say creating a video is not as easy as it seem. I dare say I must salute Dr Tazli for maximizing the use of technology in the class. I see Dr Tazli as the most enthusiastic one, and really into the learning process as you even care about our studies during weekends. It shows your dedication and passion towards teaching too. Hoping you would keep up the good work in the future.
Process Safety & Loss Prevention -2nd half
During Dr. Dzul class, he was awesome. He managed to explain things simply and only highlights the important parts of the lecture. I learnt alot as it one of the hands-on exercise when we have to do exercises in class. I have to say this class is the lesser stress, compare to other subjects.
During Dr Haslinda's class, it was pretty good. The slides are presented clearly compared to Dr Abbas's slides. It was definitely better. During her class, we also ask to do exercise and she will call up someone's to show the calculations in front of the white board. This method keep us synchronize with her topic, and rarely lost along the way. She can explained things clearly even though her speech was quite fast sometimes.
Chemical Process Dynamics & Instrumention Control -2nd half
Muhammad Amirul b Fuzi
Kinetics and Reactor Design -2nd half
For the second part of the semester with Dr. Tazli, I do like the way Dr. Tazli handling the lecture session. Using all new technologies throughout lecture is interesting even though it take a lot of time for me to adapt to the new style of teaching and learning. In term of the subject itself, it indeed becomes more complicated, since it involves multiple reactions and non-isothermal design. Overall, for Kinetics and Reactor Design subject, throughout semester, I have learnt a lot of things regarding reactor sizing and the kinetics of reaction that can happen inside a reactor.
Process Safety & Loss Prevention -2nd half
For the second part of learning PSLP subject, things are getting better as Dr. Dzulkarnain give a lot of handouts and assignments for all students. Learning PSLP is the easiest one out of all the three main subjects as Dr. Dzulkarnain always focuses on the main points of the subject that useful for our final exam and for our future career. Overall, PSLP subject give a lot of exposure to students about on how to handle an accidents also on how to avoid accidents from happen. I do believe that this knowledge is very important for engineers-to-be. Besides that, PSLP Lab also helps students in visualize the accidents that might happen in the industry.
For the second part of CPDIC with Dr. Haslinda, I do really like the way of Dr. Haslinda teach the subject. Even though, sometimes she quite fast in teaching, the contents of the subjects is still being delivered clearly to students. For the subject itself, I do find it is easier compare to the first part of the subject. Overall, for CPDIC subject, for whole semester this subject do provide a lot of knowledge for students in order for us able to construct the control system of a process in the future.
Chemical Process Dynamics & Instrumention Control -2nd half
Ashyr Yazmiradov
Kinetics and Reactor Design -2nd half
This subject was interesting to me from the begging, and when Dr. Tazli have started teaching I felt more interested. This technologies he uses is completely different than we used to see in UTP. Another thing is lectures given on youtube, this should be done by all lectures. It is very helpful, if u don’t understand u just go back and watch it again, in the class I myself feel awkward to ask questions, or to ask lectures to repeat. And lecture time we do solve problems, which is very cool. It is easier to solve with lecturer and understand each step than spending hours on one questions to try to understand everything. I like it. Another good technology used by Dr. Tazli is uploading questions, which makes u to think before coming to the class, and once you are in the class no need to spend your time coping the questions, we just directly go to solve it, which is perfect.
Process Safety & Loss Prevention -2nd half
This Subject seemed to be easy, but that was my mistake to think about it like that. It is interesting, it practices things which we somehow see in our daily life, however got a lot of equations to be learnt and understood. However Dr. Dzulkarnain makes is perfect easy to understand, each time he brings notes and passes to us, and it helps us. We use that notes during the class and it is easier to follow. We do print our notes, but sometimes we forget about it or we just relay on our smartphones, however printed notes are better and we can just make notes on the go on them. PLSP lab was also good, it is interesting and we do understand what is going on in the lab, and we make stronger our theoretical knowledge with practice, however I would love to see newer equipments in the lab.
I just want to start from thanking Dr. Haslinda, this subject is the toughest for me, and Dr made it understandable for me. Second part of it goes very smooth, we do solve problems related to each chapter which is done during the lecture time, and it helps us understand more on this subject. Still sometimes I feel blur on this subject, however anytime I go to see Dr she explains again everything again. Starting second part, I started understand how important this subject in plant designing.
Chemical Process Dynamics & Instrumention Control -2nd half
Dilrajdeep Singh
Kinetics and Reactor Design -2nd half
After learning the basic theory part of the kinetic reactor, the second part of the subject emphasizes on the experimental and more realistic situation of a reactor. In chapter 4, I learned how to get the reaction order from the data. I learned about maximizing the selectivity of desired product in multiple reaction: parallel & series reactions in chapter 6. I learned about the adiabatic reactor which was assumed to be isothermal in the previous chapter. I also learned about the reversible reactions and equilibrium constant in chapter 8. Other that the lecturer Dr Tazli has a interactive and fresh teaching style, helping student to understand the subject by the means of multimedia.
Process Safety & Loss Prevention -2nd half
Second part of this subject starts with the fire and explosion chapter which is interesting as we learn about so many theories and analogies. Next I learned about the hazard identification which I will definitely apply in my future life as an engineer. Dr. Zul continued his teaching style and I enjoyed the class.
This course has taken a turn to be more interesting in the second part of the semester. Previously, I did not really have a good grasp on what this course would benefit us in the future. But after learning the last few chapters I believe that due to this project as well as our lecturer that I've finally gotten a good understanding of the application of the knowledge that we've learnt to industries in the future.
Chemical Process Dynamics & Instrumention Control -2nd half